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Sunday Worship Service

Join us every Sunday morning at 10:00 am with
Pastor Jonathan
for our traditional Worship Service
with Holy Communion by intinction. (Wine and grape juice
are available.) All baptized Christians who believe that
Jesus is truly present in the holy meal are welcome to the
Lord's table. Children and those not yet communing are
welcome to receive a blessing.


The entire service (liturgy and hymns) is printed in a bulletin to make it easy to follow along. Our sanctuary is air conditioned during the summer months. 


We encourage bringing children to worship.


Children's worship bags hang in the rear of the Sanctuary for your use during worship. These bags contain items which may help children (and parents) enjoy the worship experience. A children's corner equipped with a rocking chair, changing table and emergency supplies is located downstairs on the right side of the Family Room. Feel free to leave and return as needed during the service.


Restroom facilities are located downstairs through the back of the Family Room.

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